RAMEY JOHNSON                         


Learn more about Ramey and her positions on
the issues facing Lakewood.

Public Safety

Reducing crime and improving neighborhood safety is one of my highest priorities. I will work for increased police funding and local efforts to protect our citizens. Bring back qualified immunity for police officers.

Rising Cost of Living - Job and Economic Growth

I will fight to cut taxes and regulations that are killing small businesses. I will fight for everyone to have the American dream of home ownership - advocate to reduce property taxes. I will fight to preserve TABOR refunds.

Education – School Quality – Parental Involvement

The state should not dictate curriculum, this is the venue of local school districts. I  will support academic excellence and curriculum transparency, increase parental involvement, and enhance school safety.

Protecting Our Environment

I will fight to protect Colorado's land and water. I welcome an honest climate conversation that includes cost.

Address Increased Illegal Immigration

Support legal immigration

Support the rule of law

Support local communities determining their own policies

Support taxpayer money going to citizens 

We don't need more taxes. We need less spending! Bring back common sense.